Baby Fever

The greatest mentors...

Congratulations to me, I am officially a Funcle!

Wait, another shoutout to me, this is now my 11th Diary post, which is BONKERS, and if you missed any of the first 10 check them out here:

When I started this bad boy, I had absolutely no clue on what the content would look like, but I’m liking the direction. I hope you are too, but if you’re not enjoying shoot me reply to this email on what you’d like to see more of.

Now drum roll please for today’s post…

I AM A F******** UNCLE!

I am natural baby holder

That’s right, my oldest sister had a little baby girl on 6/24/2024. Camille Grace Dewez. Gorgeous.

Can’t wait to put a set of golf clubs in her hands and train her to become the next Nelly Korda (#1 ranked woman in the world).

The first grandbaby of the fam. I mean how fricken’ cute is this little girl…

This tiny earthling that simply poops and sleeps has actually taught me a lot.

Who could have ever known a newborn could be such a great mentor…

Babies Really Put Things in Perspective

Nothing else matters on planet earth other than that (cute*) alien looking newborn.

All your stresses of work, life and beyond really get put on the backburner. The baby becomes the focus and for good reason.

The end of the quarter deal not closing, the failed job interview, or any general missed biz opportunity isn’t as serious as making sure your child is happy, healthy and good at golf in 20 years so they can play on The Tour.

Yes, of course, the success of your business life will help set up a great life for the child, but at the end of the day that little thing makes everything else less serious.

Not sure if “serious” is the perfect word, but work is just work. Your social life is just your social life. YOU BABY IS YOUR F***** BABY!!!

Yes, this isn’t my child, but I see from my sister and brother in-law this phenomenon already taking place.

My message here isn’t that having a child means you shouldn’t work hard or try to achieve cool things in your life, but just that a newborn child resets your lists of priorities.

Hear from New Parents, Not Me

Da Squad

Since I am not actually a parent and just observing from a far here, I did some big J Journalism and hit the streets to talk to the real heroes, new parents.

I asked each of the below the same simple question…

How has having child changed your life?”

Kate Healey Dewez (big sis), “OMG my whole life changed. Nothing else matters but this little peanut 🥹.”

Very insightful big sis!

Rob Bellamy (my dawg), “You immediately become less selfish. You feel a love that you’ve never known before. It’s a lot of responsibility and learning as you go but good parents rise to the occasion and find a way to make it all work”.

Myles Uva (follow him on IG for fun Dad content), “Being a father is my life’s greatest accomplishment. It’s a reminder that nobody has it all together, and life is best lived slowly, and enjoying the small moments. My children are my gift to the world, and the reason I strive to be the best husband, friend, son, and leader I can be”.

Adam Sandler (a.k.a Sonny from Big Daddy), “Having a kid is great… as long as his eyes are closed and he’s not moving or speaking”.

I trust Sonny’s advice here.

That’s all I got today, folks. Love you all.

My irresponsible takeaway from this post is that if you’re in the need of feeling gracious and need to find a larger purpose in life, go have a child.

JK, but if you have any tips on being a Hall of Fame Uncle, please do shoot me a note.

I plan on being the fav aunt/uncle between my other two sisters. I am going to spoil the shit out of this thing.

I’ve got baby fever 👀👀